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WebTRIS Traffic Flow API
The WebTRIS data available at http://webtris.nationalhighways.co.uk/ is available via an application programming interface (API) in JSON format. This is a free service and there is no need to register to use it. Developers can utilise the WebTRIS data to provide their own services, applications and websites.

Open Data
All WebTRIS API endpoints are available without registration or API keys and as such no login details are required.

API Versioning
The current version of the WebTRIS API is 1.0. As indicated, this is the first release and currently all WebTRIS data accessible through http://webtris.nationalhighways.co.uk/ is available through the API. Feedback is encouraged and can be provided via the forums (coming soon). Future API versions seek to accommodate functionality requested. Although there is currently only one version of the API (v1.0) the intention for future versions is that National Highways will maintain at least one previous depreciated version of the api to allow developers to migrate their code. It is advisable to move to the latest version of the API (v1.0)

Using the API
The API is located at http://webtris.nationalhighways.co.uk/api/{version}/{resource} where {version} is the version of the API (currently v1.0) and {resource} is the API resource requested. For example, http://webtris.nationalhighways.co.uk/api/v1.0/sites will return JSON for all sites. A complete list of available endpoints with examples follows: All endpoints are prefixed with the API url http://webtris.nationalhighways.co.uk/api/v1.0/

Resource Endpoint Description
Sites /sites Provides details of all sites.
Sites/sites/1 Provides details of the site specified
Reports/reports/monthly?sites=8188&start_date=31032016&end_date=31032017&page=1&page_size=50 Provides Monthly report details of the site specified
Reports/reports/daily?sites=8188&start_date=31032016&end_date=31032017&page=1&page_size=50Provides details of the site specified
Reports/reports/31032016/to/31032017/daily?sites=8188&page=1&page_size=50 Alternative routing for the above endpoint.
Areas/areas/ Provides details of all areas.
Areas/areas/1 Provides details of the area specified
Site Types/sitetypes/ Provides details of all site types
Site Types/sitetypes/1/sites Provides details of the site type specified
Data Quality/quality/daily?siteid=8188&start_date=01012015&end_date=01042016 Provides a quality percentage of the site and date range specified
Data Quality/quality/overall?sites=8188,1976&start_date=01012015&end_date=01042016 Provides an overall quality percentage of the sites and date range specified
Note that the reports resource requires paging parameters as part of the query due to the large collections results returned.
Getting Started
The easiest way to get up and running with the API is to try out the end points following the Swagger documentation below.